Short cuts

Cheats: Doom / Doom II
Cheats: Duke Nukem 3D
Cheats: Need for Speed II
Cheats: Nintendo world cup
DOS: More memory
DOS: Mouse
DOS / Win95: Booting to DOS
Win3.x: Change startup image
Win3.x: Install in DOSBox.
Win95: Save or print folders
Win95: Change disk icon
Win95: Change icon on Start button
Win95: Change startup image
Win95: Change text on Start button
Win95: Forgot log-in password?
Win95: Speed of the Start menu
Win95: Your "own" Win 95
Notes: Game Boy colors
Notes: Papaya color
Notes: SWF pro

Cheats: Doom / Doom II

idbehold#: When # is...
- "R": Radiation shielding suit.
- "I": Partial invisibility.
- "V": Invulnerability.
- "A": Computer area map.
- "L": Light amplification visor.
- "S": Berserk.
idchoppers: Gives the chainsaw.
idclip: No clipping in Doom II (see idspispopd below for technical details).
idclev##: Warps to level E#M# or MAP##
iddqd: Sets health to 100% and makes player immune to any damage source dealing less than 1000 damage
iddt: Reveals information if used while in automap mode, showing additional data the second time it is used
idfa: Grants full megaarmor protection (200%), all weapons and full ammo.
idkfa: Grants full megaarmor protection (200%), all weapons, full ammo, and all the keys.
idmus##: Plays music from level MAP## in Doom II, or E#M# in The Ultimate Doom
idmypos: Shows the player's coordinates and compass direction.
idspispopd: No clipping

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Cheats: Duke Nukem 3D

dnalled: Message "Buy Major Stryker"
dnammo: Have full ammo
dnbeta: Message "Pirates Suck"
dncashman: Throw some money when the "open" key is pressed.
dnclip: No clipping mode
dncoords: Displays coordinates
dncornholio: Toggles God Mode (Invincibility), Gives Jetpack (unlimited while cheat is on)
dncosmo: Shows "REGISTER COSMO" message (Version 1.3d and prior only)
dndebug: Displays debugging information
dnhyper: Adds Night Vision Goggles and Steroids to Inventory, uses Steroids
dninventory: Adds all items, max body armor
dnitems: Adds all items, all keys, and max body armor
dnkeys: Adds all keys to inventory (Red, Yellow and Blue)
dnkroz: Toggles God Mode (Invincibility), Gives Jetpack (unlimited while cheat is on)
dnmoney: Throw money with the use button (usually spacebar)
dnmonsters: Toggle monsters on / off
dnrate: Shows the framerate
dnscottyXYY: Warp to Episode X (1-4) Level YY
dnshowmap: Shows entire map of level (press the map key)
dnskillX: Change to skilll level X (1-4), restarts level
dnstuff: Adds all items, weapons, keys, ammo, and gives max armor
dntodd: Message "Register Cosmo Today"
dnunlock: Triggers all the doors, forcefields etc. in the level to be unlocked / locked
dnunlock: Unlock doors
dnview: Changes to 3rd-Person View
dnweapons: Adds all weapons and gives maximum ammo

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Cheats: Need for Speed II

vip: limo
go18: school bus
go19: commanche pick-up
go20: school bus
go21: semi
go22: school bus
go23: red car
go24: school bus
go25: shool bus
go26: red car-black
go27: vw fastback
go28: red car-blacktop
go29: school bus
go30: school bus
go31: army truck
go32: school bus
go33: snow truck
go34: monolithic studios tour bus
go35: limo
go36: red car
go37: school bus
go38: fast school bus
go39: fast school bus
go40: airplane crate
go41: wheelbarrel
go42: Outhouse
go43: T-rex
go44: Western wagon
go45: Green souvenier box
go46: Blue souvenier box
go47: Red souvenier box
go48: Log
go49: Crate
go50: Box of Beer
go51: Stone cube
bomber: Bomber BFS
tombstone: Daytona Tombstone
rexhour: dinosaur car
Rushhour: You should get heaps of traffic
fzr 2000: fz 2000 car
roadrage: if you press the horn, the car in front of you crashes
Pioneer: get faster cars
hollywood: the Monilithic studios track

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Cheats: Nintendo world cup

Cameroon: 10311
Japan: 30711
France: 01511
Russia: 22011
England: 11511
Mexico: 42411
USA: 62611
Mexico: 60211
Holland: 22311
W.Germany: 12811

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DOS: More memory

Open System.ini
Go to [386Enh]
Add this line: LocalLoadHigh=1

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DOS: Mouse

Find out if there are DOS-drivers in Autoexec.bat:
set mouse=C:\mouse\

In this case, the driver is and is located in i C:\mouse
It needs a change in system.ini . Go to the section [Non-WindowsApp] and add this line: MouseInDosBox=1

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DOS / Win95: Booting to DOS

Edit msdos.sys in Notepad
Find bootgui=1
Replace 1 with 0

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Add something to every line
Press Ctrl+H to bring up the Find/Replace Dialog.
Choose the Regular expression option near the bottom of the dialog.

To add a word at the beginning of each line:
Type ^ in the "Find what" textbox
Type "new text" in the "Replace with" textbox
Place cursor in the first line of the file to ensure all lines are affected
Click Replace All button

To add a word at the end of each line:
Type $ in the "Find what textbox
Type "new text" in the Replace with textbox
Place cursor in the first line of the file to ensure all lines are affected
Click Replace All button

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Win3.x: Change startup image

The new photo must be in 16 colors and in RLE-format. Paint shop pro supports the format.

Make the new picture and save as an RLE-file.
Go to c:/windows
Make a backup of
Go to c:/windows/system
Give vgalogo.rle a new name
Move the new photo to c:/windows/system
Rename the photo to vgalogo.rle
Reboot into DOS
Write this in one line: copy /b win.cnf+vgalogo.lgo+vgalogo.rle../

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Win3.x: Install in DOSBox.

Make a folder called C:/doswin .
Copy all the files on your Windows 3.1x floppies to C:\doswin\win31 .
Extract the drivers (S3 graphics and SoundBlaster) to C:\doswin\drivers\ .
Start DOSBox.
At the prompt enter:

mount c c:\doswin
cd c:\win31

When Setup finishes, close DOSBox.
Edit the end of dosbox.conf like this:

# Lines in this section will be run at startup.
mount c c:\doswin

Start DOSBox again, type

cd windows

Choose Display driver
Choose Other (requires disk....)
Locate the S3 drivers and hit enter.

To install the Soundblaster driver, exit Windows 3.x.
Locate the drivers and type install

Make sure the interrupt setting is 7 and let the installer overwrite files if it want to. When the installer asks whether you want to load Dos drivers select No.

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Win95: Save or print folders

Start regedit
Right click on the folder Shell and choose New -> Key
Type Content as name of the new key
Double click on Standard in the panelet to the right
Type &Content and click OK
Right click on the folder Shell and choose New -> Key
Type Command as name of the new key
Double click on Standard in the panel to the right
Type in C:\content.bat %1
Click OK and close regedit
Open Notepad and type in this:

@echo off
dir %1% /o > c:\windows\content.txt
notepad: c:\windows\content.txt

Save the file in C:\ with the name content.bat

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Win95: Change disk icon

Make a text file in Notepad and name it autorun.inf . Save it in the root folder of your disk. Type in this in the file:

ICON=(icon name)




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Win95: Change icon on Start button

Copy User.exe from c:\windows\system to a folder of your choosing
Open the copy in an icon editor
Make an icon with the dimentions 14 px *14 px
Save and restart the machine into DOS
Change the original User.exe with the edited one

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Win95: Change startup image

Make a bitmap picture with the dimentions 320 (width) * 400 (heigth) and 256 colors
Rename the file to Logo.sys and move it to the root menu (take a backup of the original Logo.sys if you got one)

The "wave" at the bottom is defined by the 32th byte in the same file
Open Logo.sys in a hex editor and change the value of byte 32
The value 128 (80 in hex desimal) makes the waving margin use the last 128 colors in the picture

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Win95: Change text on Start button

Make a copy of Explorer.exe
Open the copy in a hex editor
Find the hex line 53 00 74 00 61 00 72 00 74
Change the values of 53, 74, 61, 73, and 74 in the same line
Save and reboot into DOS
Change the original Explorer.exe with the copy
You can do the same things with other menues on the start menu. You may find the items in the hex adresses: 02ABC9, 02AC11, 02AC5D, 02AD19, 02AD45 and 02AD61

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Win95: Forgot log-in password?

Just click on "Cancel". When you are in, search for files with the extention ".pwl". The name of one of the found files is your password.

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Win95: Speed of the Start menu

Open regedit and go to HKEY_CURRENT_USER/Control Panel/Desktop
Find MenuShowDelay and double click it. Add preferd value (the lower, the quicker).

In case MenuShowDelay dont excist, right-click on an empty spot. Choose New -> String value. You change "New value no. 1" to MenuShowDelay.
When you are done, add preferd value (the lower, the quicker).

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Win95: Your "own" Win 95

Make an image with the dimentions 160 px * 120 px and save it as oem-logo.bmp (or oemlogo.bmp) in C:\Windows\System
In Notepad, sake a textfile named oeminfo.ini and saved in C:\Windows\System
Add this in the text file:

[Support information]

Add whatever you want after the =s.
When finished, check "System properties"

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Notes: Game Boy colors

Darkest Green
Hex: #0f380f
RGB: 15, 56, 15

Dark Green
Hex: #306230
RGB: 48, 98, 48

Light Green
Hex: #8bac0f
RGB: 139, 172, 15

Lightest Green
Hex: #9bbc0f
RGB: 155, 188, 15

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Notes: Papaya color

Hex: #E56717
RGB: 229, 103, 23

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Notes: SWF pro

Framerate: 12
Delaytime: 8
Command: ffmpeg -i c:/ffmpeg/1.mp4 c:/ffmpeg/1/image%03d.png

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