- Timeline
- Short facts
- Things to experience
- Norwegian kings
Timeline, oversimplified
793-1066: Viking area.
Late 9th century: Harald Fairhair started to gather Norway into one kingdom.
1060ies: Harald Hardråde finished Fairhairs gathering.
1066: Viking area ended with the Battle of Stamford bridge (England).
1349: The black death came to Norway. Half of all inhabitants in Norway died because if the illness.
1380: Norway went into a union with Denmark, partly due to the black death and its consequenses.
1536: The Danish rule over Norway started.
1814: The Danish rule over Norway ended, and Norway went into a union with Sweden. Norway got its own Constitution, inspired by the French and the US constitution. It was signed 18th of may (not the 17th as our national day indicates). Norway was practically (but not quite formally) self govenered.
1850 (ca.): "Nynorsk", a written language based on norwegian dialects, was published by Ivar Aasen.
1905: Union with Sweden ended.
1940: WW2 started in Norway 9th of april.
1945: WW2 ended in Norway the night from 8th to 9th of may.
1965: Oil was found in the bedrock under the Norwegian sea.
1994: Winter olympics at Lillehammer. (Have you seen the series Lillyhammer?)
2011, 22nd of June: The greatest terror attack on Norway (excluding wartime).
Short facts
There are at least four "industries" that are or was extra important to Norway; Fish (especially cod and salmon), petrolium, ship industry and peace engotiations. Electric power may be the fifth worth mention.
Historically, Norway (or parts of Norway) have an extra strong bonds to Great Brittain, Denmark, Sweden and Germany.
Bergen is called a "Hansa city" because the Germans traveled to Bergen to buy Norwegian fish.
The music industry on the west cost of Norway, especially in Bergen, have experienced the same thing as The Beatles did; The youth got new music through the workes onboard ships. The music in Bergen has also close relations to the Brittish music.
Things to experience
This could be a LONG list, and I am not the right to ask about things to experience north of Trondheim (oh, the shame!). I desided to make it (too?) short.
- Bergen
- Stavanger
- Trondheim
- If you like museums; Oslo
- Experience some small towns too.
- The nature in Sunnmøret
- If you travel between Bergen and Ålesund; explore the nature near Olden and Stryn.
- Geirangerfjorden
- The entire coast
- Svalbard
- The Norwegian mountains. Take the train between Bergen and Oslo. If possible, have a stop at Geilo or Ustaoset and take a mountain hike.
- Find a glacier
- The beaches near Stavanger
Specific places:
- Trollstigen
- Hulderfossen
- Prekestolen
- Trolltungen
- Heddal stavkirke
Norwegian kings
Ca 865 – ca 932 Harald Hårfagre
Ca 933 – ca 935 Eirik 1 (Haraldsson) Blodøks
Ca. 935 – ca 960 Håkon 1 (Haraldsson) Adalsteinsfostre den gode
Ca 961 – ca 970 Harald 2 (Eiriksson) Gråfell
Ca 970 – 995 Håkon Sigurdsson Ladejarl
995–1000 Olav 1 Tryggvason
1000–1015 Eirik og Svein Håkonsson, Ladejarler
1015–1028 Olav 2 (Haraldsson) den hellige
1028–1029 Håkon Eiriksson Ladejarl
1029–1030 Knud den store
1030–1035 Svein Knutsson (Alfivason)
1035–1047 Magnus 1 (Olavsson) den gode
1045–1066 Harald 3 (Sigurdsson) Hardråde
1066–1069 Magnus 2 (Haraldsson)
1067–1093 Olav 3 (Haraldsson) Kyrre
1093–1095 Håkon Magnusson Toresfostre
1093–1103 Magnus 3 (Olavsson) Berrføtt
1103–1115 Olav Magnusson
1103–1123 Øystein 1 Magnusson
1103–1130 Sigurd 1 (Magnusson) Jorsalfare
1130–1135 Magnus 4 (Sigurdsson) Blinde
1130–1136 Harald 4 (Magnusson?) Gille
1136–1155 Sigurd 2 Munn
1136–1161 Inge 1 (Haraldsson) Krokrygg
1142–1157 Øystein 2 Haraldsson
1157–1162 Håkon 2 (Sigurdsson) Herdebrei
1161–1184 Magnus 5 Erlingsson
1177–1202 Sverre Sigurdsson
1202–1204 Håkon 3 Sverresson
1204 Guttorm Sigurdsson
1204–1217 Inge 2 Bårdsson
1204–1207 Erling Steinvegg (baglerkonge)
1207–1217 Filippus Simonsson (baglerkonge)
1217–1263 Håkon 4 Håkonsson
1263–1280 Magnus 6 (Håkonsson) Lagabøte
1280–1299 Eirik 2 Magnusson
1299–1319 Håkon 5 Magnusson (den eldre)
1319–1355 Magnus 7 Eriksson
1343–1380 Håkon 6 Magnusson (den yngre)
1381–1387 Olav 4 Håkonssson
1388–1412 Margrete Valdemarsdatter
1389–1442 Erik av Pommern (Eirik 3)
1442–1448 Christoffer av Bayern
1449–1450 Karl 1 Knutsson Bonde
1450–1481 Christian 1
1481–1483 Interregnum
1483–1513 Hans
1513–1523 Christian 2
1524–1533 Frederik 1
1533 - Interregnum
1537–1559 Christian 3
1559–1588 Frederik 2
1588–1648 Christian 4
1648–1670 Frederik 3
1670–1699 Christian 5
1699–1730 Frederik 4
1730–1746 Christian 6
1746–1766 Frederik 5
1766–1808 Christian 7
1808–1814 Frederik 6
1814 Christian Frederik
1814–1818 Karl 2 (13)
1818–1844 Karl 3 (14) Johan
1844–1859 Oscar 1
1859–1872 Karl 4 (15)
1872–1905 Oscar 2
1905–1957 Haakon 7
1957–1991 Olav 5
1991– Harald 5